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  • Гарантирован лучший тариф
  • Дети до 12 лет бесплатно
  • для онлайн-бронирования: скидка 10% на курсы Equilibrium

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One Day Equilibrium

A day of pure relaxation, with a circuit designed to rebalance your mind and body, including an Equilibrium lunch at the Ristorante dei Lorena.

Book Now
  • The package includes:
    • Salus per Aquam Circuit (Bioaquam thermal pool, indoor and outdoor hot spring pool, Thalaquam, Minerva bath, Thermarium area with Turkish bath, Sauna, access to  the fitness area (by reservation), access to the relaxation area with infusion and fresh fruit)
    • Relaxation area by the outdoor pool: a covered area with tempered glass walls and sliding panels, retractable ceiling and heated
      stoneware floor
    • Grand Duke’s thermal grotto (20′)
    • Rebalancing massage in thermal water (25′)
    • Relaxation with vitamin drink
    • Equilibrium lunch at dei Lorena Restaurant
    • Cold shower and relaxation with fruit salad
    • Bagni di Pisa kit with bathrobe, towel, cap
  • Fare

    € 165,00

A dream day at the baths of kings

Treat yourself to the well-being and beauty of a day at the spa, which has centuries of history. Book a treatment, buy a voucher or contact us

Inspiring offers

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