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Exclusive Spa night

Exclusive Spa Night is our proposal for a romantic evening dedicated to relaxation and well-being with exclusive spa experiences for couples among the historical architectures of the palace of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany.

The appointments

March: Thursday 6, 13, 20, 27 and Saturday 8, 15, 22, 29

from 8 pm to midnight


Gourmet aperitif with finger-food and soft drink fresh fruit and small desserts. (gluten-free dishes available)
4 thermal pools and Bagno di Minerva at 36°-38 °C with hydromassages
Access to the Grand Duke’s  thermal grotto, a small natural thermal cave. In its wonderful pool, hollowed out from the rock, the water flows
down a little waterfall, creating a warm-humid environment. This relaxing setting stimulates the body physiologically and gives a perfect sensory and regenerating experience.
Wine bath in the «candle room», for a warm bath in a private thermal tub surrounded by scented candles with flutes of prosecco and fresh fruit for a perfect romantic atmosphere
Bagni di Pisa Pool Kit with bathrobe, towel, bathing cap
Relax Area
Lounge music

€ 120,00 per person
upon reservation and prepayment

Book Now

A dream day at the baths of kings

Treat yourself to the well-being and beauty of a day at the spa, which has centuries of history. Book a treatment, buy a voucher or contact us

Inspiring offers

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